Planned Instruction, Grading, and Additional Information

Attention Middle and High School parents and students. Please read this important message from Mr. Tobias. 

Middle and High School Mandatory Planned Instruction, Grading, and Additional Information

Mandatory Planned Instruction:

This is just a friendly reminder for all students in grades 6-12 that Mandatory Planned Instruction and graded assignments began on Monday April 13th.  If you have not done so, please log into your Google Classrooms and complete the necessary assignments. Course assignments are due each Saturday by midnight. Email your teacher with any problems or questions about Google Classroom or posted learning activities/assignments. 

Report Cards:

Grading for the Third Nine Weeks will end on March 12th, the last day we were in school together. Any student with make-up work (e.g., homework, tests, quizzes, etc.) will be contacted by their teacher to complete. The last day to turn in missed Third Marking Period make-ups is Friday, April 17th.  Grades for the Third Nine Weeks will be calculated and report cards mailed out the week of April 20th. 

We are currently working on a plan for determining Fourth Nine Weeks and Final Course Grades.  will be forthcoming shortly once all plans are finalized.

 Textbooks & Personal Items: 

No textbooks will be distributed from the school.  They will be inventoried and collected from lockers.

All personal belongings from student lockers will be collected, bagged, and tagged in the next couple of days.  A message will be sent out when those items can be picked up at the High School.

All textbooks and library books that students have at home will be collected and inventoried when picking up your personal belongings.