Locker Content Distribution Information




April 26, 2020

Good Evening,

On Tuesday, April 28th, we will be holding a locker content distribution day for students with the last names from A to K from 1:00-3:00 P.M. and from 5:00 -7:00 P.M in the front of the Middle/High School.

On Wednesday, April 29th, we will be holding a locker content distribution day for students with the last names from L to Z from 1:00-3:00 P.M. and from 5:00 -7:00 P.M in the front of the Middle/High School

During this time, we will be handing out all personal items from student lockers, yearbooks that were ordered, unused prescription medications from the nurse and sports clothing orders that are in.  All school materials that were left in student lockers were collected and are being inventoried.  

During this time, we are also collecting ALL school issued property that is currently in your possession.  This includes all textbooks, calculators (TI83 and 84), sports uniforms, library books, etc.  This does not include ChromebooksAP materials and AP calculators which will be collected at a later time.  

Please have all return items bagged and clearly marked with your student’s name, grade, and homeroom on the outside to assist us in giving them credit for their return.  All unreturned school items will be placed on the student fine list.  

Please pull up parallel to the curb.  This will assist in traffic flow, delivery, and will eliminate the need for you to back up into traffic.  Parents and students are to remain in their vehicle throughout the process and a district representative will come to assist you at the curb (students DO NOT need to be present).

Items to have prepared beforehand to assist school personnel upon arrival:

1. Each student’s name, grade, and current Day 1 first period room number written on paper.
2. All school materials for return, bagged and clearly marked on the outside of the bag as stated above. 

We will be distributing and collecting materials from roughly 450 students each day.  We will be as efficient as possible.  We ask for your patience, cooperation, and to have all the required information and materials prepared beforehand to expedite the process.

 Thank you for understanding and stay safe,

Mr. Tobias