A message from Mr. Graham

Dear BEA Community:

I wanted to update you on Covid cases this past week.  At the MS/HS  we had three students test positive, more than 30 students quarantined, and several other students who have symptoms and are awaiting test results.  We also had one staff member at Wingate Elementary test positive but no students have tested positive at any elementary schools when I checked earlier today.
I am concerned about the numbers at the MS/HS because if we have six positive cases in any two week period, we are required to shut down and go remote for 3-7 days.  There is a possibility this could happen at the MS/HS next week.  I am telling you this so that you are prepared in case we need to go to remote learning.
At the elementary schools, because they are smaller, the number of positive cases needed to close schools is between 2-4 cases.  Right now, things are looking more positive at our elementary schools regarding staying in-person learning.
I will keep you posted as events unfold but I am hopeful we can continue in-person learning at all schools.
I cañnot emphasize enough that if your child is ill or someone in your household is ill and being tested, please keep your child home from school.  In some cases this week, students came to school ill.  If we don't work together to get this virus under control, we are going to continue down this path of closing schools.  Most parents have been extremely vigilant and kept their children home when they showed symptoms.  This helps control the spread of the virus.
Thank you for your continued support as we continue to navigate through this process.
Stay safe and healthy,
Scott V. Graham