The Mountaintop Area Elementary School is one of the four elementary schools in the Bald Eagle Area School District and houses approximately 130 students, 12 teaching staff, and 12 support and kitchen staff. The educational program includes classrooms from kindergarten through fifth grade. You will find a comprehensive curriculum for all students, which includes the areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. The itinerant staff are specialists in the areas of Health/Physical Education, Art, Music, Library/Technology, and Guidance, and they provide forty-five minutes of instruction to students during each six-day cycle of the schedule.  In grades four and five the students may receive instrumental lessons.

Mountaintop Area Elementary School is a one to one school and every student has a Chromebook.  Students have access to the Reading Wonders and Everyday Math curriculum, Scholastic Reading Counts, and other instructional programs online.  The library has a computerized retrieval system and uses technology for reference searches.  An itinerant librarian visits the school to provide instruction in library skills and technology and helps keep the library stocked with books and other materials to meet the students' learning needs.

The elementary school truly benefits from an active Parent Teacher Organization. The PTO provides support for students and teachers as well as the many educational programs within the school. Many other local groups utilize the school facilities during the evenings to provide activities for children and adults in the community.