Covid case update

Dear BEA Community:

I wanted to update you on COVID case counts.  Below are case counts for the past two weeks.  As you can see, counts have gone up since prior to Christmas but so have cases across the county, state, and country.  Here are the case counts:

January 3-7:
MS/HS:  15 cases (12 students and 3 adults)
Wingate: 7 cases (5 students and 2 adults)
Mt. Top:  4 cases (3 students and 1 adult)
Port M.:  3 cases (3 students)
Howard: 1 case (1 student)

January 10-14:
MS/HS:  15 cases (11 students and 4 adults)
Wingate: 11 cases (10 students and 1 adult)
Mt.Top:   2 cases (1 student and 1 adult)
Port M.:  0 cases
Howard: 1 case (1 adult)

I will continue to update you if there are any changes to guidelines, requirements, or protocols.  I want to personally thank everyone for notifying the school nurses when your child has been sick and keeping your child home when they have been sick.

I will likely be making a decision about school on Monday sometime tomorrow evening, provided the forecast doesn't change.
Scott V Graham